<<<<<<C:\Viewer{crewlog.xsi} sortby: rank;name;status
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<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{redwood.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Pieter Redwood
RANK: Vice Admiral
DUTY: Commanding Officer
AGE: 53 Terran years
SEX: Male
BIOGRAPHY: Born in Luyten in 2314,  Redwood is a veteran of the Great War, where he served as a fighter pilot, and a veteran of the Luyten crisis in 2341. Redwood is the admiral from the book, serving through all previous ranks for almost 30 years. Redwood has been promoted and demoted several times, and is known for his loyalty to the GTVA, but also by his irrational behaviour and violent stature. After the original crew of the Actium was court-martialed 2 months ago, Pieter Redwood was just promoted to Vice Admrial. As the Security Council seems to do everything possible to keep Redwood off the command chair of a destroyer, the Actium rose as a perfect opportunity to put Redwood to a good use. For unofficial record, Redwood is known to have a close relationship with alcholic beverages.



<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Csmith.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Cyrus Smith
RANK: Lieutenant Commander
DUTY: Chief Science officer
AGE: 57 Terran years
SEX: Male
MARITAL STATUS: Married to ens. Maggie Smith
BIOGRAPHY: Cyrus Smith is undoubtedly the oldest member in the crew. Smith has served on 8 years in the military, being a quantum physics teacher in the Universal University in Delta Serpentis 2 before. Smith has been married four times, currently with Ensign Maggie Smith, whom she met on his first year in the military. That marriage has caused much commotions, his wife being 30 years younger than himself. His wide knowledge of quantum physics and alien cultures have earned him the rank of Chief Science officer on the Actium


<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Bornhoehe.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Erika Bornhoehe
RANK: Commander
DUTY: First officer
SEX: Female
AGE: 32 Terran years
BIOGRAPHY: Erika Bornhoehe is a Swedish woman, born in Polaris Prime. She joined the military in 2359, and advanced in rank faster than any Alliance officer ever before. She is now officially the youngest female ever to achieve the rank of Commander (she was promoted in 2363). She is characterised by a sense of duty, a great sense of humour, even if at unfitted times and of great popularity amongst the crew.


<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Msmith.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Margaret Smith
RANK: Ensign
DUTY: Pilot
AGE: 27 Terran years
SEX: Female
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Cyrus Smith
BIOGRAPHY: Margaret Smith has served in the military for 8 years now, joining at the same time with his husband, Cyrus Smith. Margaret, or Maggie as her friends call her is a great pilot, but her onduty accidents (friendly fire, and other kind of general carelessness) have prevented her from advancing in rank.


<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Zod.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Classified, known as The Zod
RACE: Vasudan
RANK: Lieutenant Junior Grade
DUTY: Pilot
AGE: Classified
SEX: Male
BIOGRAPHY: The Zod is a very mysterious person. His real identity is classified, and amongst friends he is only known as The Zod. Rumors are that he was cast out from the Vasudan society, and now tries to regain his position. He is an excellent pilot, who always volunteers on difficult assignments, thus somewhat proving the rumor of his heritage. He is also the only Vasudan crewmember onboard the Actium.


<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Mihhailovich.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Dmitri Mihhailovitch
RANK: Lieutenant
DUTY: Squadron leader
SEX: Male
AGE: 29
BIOGRAPHY: Dmitri Mihhailovitch joined the military 7 years ago as a pilot on the GTD Bastion, but left in 2366 due to internal conflicts Mihhailovitch was transferred onboard the Actium, as squadron leader of the 71st Space Cowboys, your unit. Mihhailovitch is a skilled pilot, and though somewhat harsh with our only Vasudan crewmember, Zod, makes a fine addition to this ship.

<<<<<<C:\Crewlog.xsi{Montoya.fli} onscreen;

NAME: Carlos Montoya
RANK: Ensign
DUTY: Pilot
SEX: Male
AGE: 19
BIOGRAPHY: Montoya is the youngest member of the crew, who just joined the military. He has shown exceptional skill in the flight simulator, but has yet to prove himself in combat. He is naive, has a great sense of humour, but fails to understand the big picture.

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